De-nazification in Vienna
Brigitte Rigele
Sources from the Viennese city and provincial archives
The article offers insight into the manner in which the city administration of Vienna dealt with the de-nazification process within the jurisdiction of the city as well as a study on how the registration of National Socialists between 1945 and 1947 was carried out, based on sources from the archives of the City and Province of Vienna.
This was the responsibility of the mayor of Vienna, Theodor Körner. However, after applying for clemency – which 90 % of those registered did – the judicial authority for the legal consequences of registration lay with the Department for the Interior. The delays before 1947 and the new registration in 1947 had direct consequences for civil servants and employees of the City of Vienna. An appendix lists the relevant sources pertaining to these matters.
To the table of contents "Denazification in Regional Comparison"