Monarchy (1848 - 1918)

Following the March revolution of 1848 a citizen's committee was formed in Linz to organise the local elections in June. Reinhold Körner was elected provisional chairman of this 30-strong committee. The committee too was 'provisional' as laws concerning local government had yet to be passed. Joseph Bischoff, who had been appointed mayor by the Emperor before the revolution but no longer wielded any power, acted independently of this body but had to resign at the end of 1848.

Linz was given its own provisional local powers in June 1850, in other words its own statute. The electors were divided into groups with different vote weightings, depending on their tax rating: census electoral law. 30 local councillors were elected to three year terms on this basis, who elected a mayor amongst themselves. Reinhold Körner became the first constitutional mayor whose office was laid down by a constitution.

When new elections were indefinitely postponed following the abolition of the March constitution by the New Year's Patent of 1851, their mandates were extended. This resulted in local councillors also only being in office 'provisionally'. No more local elections were held until 1861.

In 1867 Linz was awarded a new statute, modified in 1875, introducing a second deputy mayor. The electoral law under which the weight of one's vote was connected to one's tax rating remained in force until the end of the monarchy.

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