On the administration of de-nazification in Lower Austria
Klaus-Dieter Mulley
This study is a continuation of the author's previous research on the subject of the administration of de-nazification in Lower Austria. It pays special attention to the functions and activities of the appointed spokesman for de-nazification in the regional government as well as his co-operation with the authorities in purging the economy. New findings on the role of the Soviet occupying forces in Lower Austria are introduced in this context.
On the one hand the Soviets pushed the Austrian civil administration to tie up the de-nazification process quickly, on the other they never actually got involved in a helpful way. The study ends with a survey of the de-nazification files in the Lower Austrian provincial archives, discussing the significance of these files in terms of the cultural, social and political history of the region, among other things.
To the table of contents "Denazification in Regional Comparison"