Linz between Democracy and Dictatorship (Linz pictures 2)

Book cover

Published by Fritz Mayrhofer and Walter Schuster

Linz 2005, ISBN 3-900388-85-7
200 pages, 248 Illustrations, EUR 30,--

This illustrated volume documents the development of the city of Linz from the collapse of the monarchy up to the end of the Second World War. The period of upheaval after 1918, the communal politics of the first republic, the process of polarisation and radicalisation leading to the Ständestaat  (State of Estates) and the National Socialist dictatorship: all of these left their stamp on the city beyond 1945.

This illustrated book is available from the archive of the City of Linz, in bookshops and you can order the book online at the Linz Shop .

To the Contents "Linz in the 20th Century"