1900 - 1937
The population of the City of Linz was increased by the incorporation of the parishes Lustenau and Waldegg (1873), St. Peter (1915), Urfahr and Pöstlingberg (1919) and Kleinmünchen (1923).
On the 12th February 1934 the uprising of social democracy against the authoritarian path taken by the government began in Linz, ending in a national civil war. Later Linz became a centre for the growing number of Nazi activists
Start-up of the large radio transmitter on the Freinberg.
12th February 1934
The Civil War between the social democratic republican ‘Schutzbund’ and the forces of the executive, the army and the defence forces breaks out in the Social Democratic Party headquarters ‘Hotel Schiff’ (Landstraße 36).

1930 - 1931
Reconstruction of the Kolping House to plans by Hans Steineder.
The locomotive factory Krauß, run by the Austrian Railway Transport Institute since 1918, closes due to the international economic crisis.
1929 - 1935
Construction of the new tobacco factory on Untere Donaulände by the Danube to plans by the architects Peter Behrens and Alexander Popp. It is the first steel framed construction in Austria.
1929 - 1930
Construction of the Parkbad, the first indoor pool in Upper Austria to plans by Curt Kühne, the city's construction director.
Opening of the first Austrian Workers’ comprehensive school.
The first radio transmitter is set up in Linz. This Marconi transmitter has an output of half a kilowatt.
1927 - 1928
Construction of a grid-arch bridge in place of the wooden bridge over theTraun at Ebelsberg.
1926 - 1929
Construction of the School of the Merciful Sisters of the Holy Cross to plans by the architect Clemens Holzmeister.
The Social Democratic Party of Austria passes its ‘Linz Programme’ at its national conference.
The parish of Kleinmünchen is incorporated into Linz.
The Chamber of Workers and Employees is opened in Linz.
The Poschach brewery and the Linz malt factory merge with other breweries to create Braubank AG. The company name is changed to Austrian Incorporated Breweries (Brau AG) in 1925.
The parishes of Urfahr and Pöstlingberg are incorporated into Linz.

16th May 1919
Victory of the Social Democrats at the first municipal elections after the right to general, equal, direct and secret elections for men and women is passed. Josef Dametz becomes the first social democratic mayor.
1918 - 1920
Unrest, riots and looting due to the catastrophic food shortages after the First World War, repeated declaration of martial law.
The metal sculptor and painter Rudolf Hoflehner is born in Linz.
The parish of St. Peter is incorporated into Linz.

1914 - 1918
During the First World War the population suffers from food shortages and price rises, resulting in protests and demonstrations. Schools are used as hospitals and army medical wards, and camps for prisoners of war, refugees and internees are erected in Linz.
Construction of a second tram line from Weißenwolffstraße to the beginning of Waldeggstraße.
The local railway between Ebelsberg and St. Florian is opened.
The city of Linz takes over the running of the gas works from the General Austro-Hungarian Gas Company.
The airship "Sachsen" flies over Linz.
The local railway between Linz, Eferding and Waizenkirchen is built.
A postbus service is opened between Linz and Bad Leonfelden.
1908 - 1909
A state secondary school (now a Federal Secondary School) is built on Fadingerstraße.
A sports club is founded in Linz. After merging with the athletics club "Siegfried" in 1918 it is known as the Linz Athletic Sports Club (LASK)
1907 - 1912
Construction of the Parish Church of the Holy Family on Bürgerstraße to plans by Matthäus Schlager.
1905 - 1906
Construction of a new Parish Church in Kleinmünchen.
After the creation of a fourth elected body the first 10 social democrats are elected to the city council.
A monument to Empress Elisabeth is unveiled at the entrance to the Landhaus. The artist is Hans Rathausky.
Emperor Franz Joseph I visits Kleinmünchen and the cities Linz and Urfahr on the occasion of the provincial shoot.
A workers' gymnastics society is founded in Linz.
The tram network is extended from Blumau to the Traun bridge at Ebelsberg.
The annual fair in Urfahr moves to a site by the Danube.
Hans Rathausky erects a monument to Adalbert Stifter in the Landhauspark.
A municipal swimming school opens on the site of today's open air baths (Parkbad).