15th century
The importance of the city continued to grow in the 15th century. In 1424, the right to propose the city magistrate was awarded, leading to the separation of the offices of tollmaster and city magistrate. The city was given court rights in 1453.
Archduke Albrecht VI made it his temporary residence and set up a mint. Finally the Emperor Frederick III resided here from 1489 until his death (in 1493), making Linz in effect the centre of the Holy German Roman Empire. This residency was decisive in awarding the citizens the right to free mayoral election and a seal in red wax on the 10th march 1490. Simultaneously the city was first named as capital of the ‘Duchy of Austria upstream of the Enns’.
Maximilian I and his grandson Ferdinand I often resided in Linz. Both raised the privileges of the citizenship. Above all the bridge letter which was awarded in 1497 led to the construction of a bridge over the Danube, the third in Austria after Vienna and Krems. This was an important contribution to the thriving of the Linz markets.
Construction of the first (wooden) bridge over the Danube between the city of Linz and the village of Urfahr.

19th August 1493
Death of Emperor Frederick III in Linz.
10th March 1490
Emperor Frederick III grants the city several rights, including the right to elect a mayor. The city is first referred to as ‘a capital of our Principality upstream of the Enns.
1484/1485 and 1489 - 1493
Emperor Frederick III resides in Linz and moves into the city with his entourage, consisting of celebrities, scholars and artists.
Linz is besieged as part of the so-called Liechtenstein Feud and the outskirts are put to flame.
1458 - 1462
Archduke Albrecht VI is the first Habsburg lord of the so-called ‘Principality’ Austria upstream of the Enns to reside in the castle in Linz.
Linz is granted ius gladii, the right to execute criminals.
First mention of the Easter Market of the Bruderkirche as Linz's second annual fair in a confirmation of privileges by King Ladislaus Postumus. Going back to the church fair of the Minorites in the 13th century it held the status of an international fair, like the fair on St. Bartholomew's Day (see 1382).
City fire.
The Bishop of Passau is granted the privilege of holding a weekly market in Ebelsberg.
Expulsion of Jews from the cities of the Principality upstream of the Enns.